"The dreams that you have as a child (if they are genuine), are like flames... that should not be extinguished..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This quote was conceived sometime before 6:49 PM, on 5/3/23... which is when, I typed such up... after having left the shower (where the idea, was conceived)... ...having 'just' returned, from the East Orange public library... I say such, because words carry weight... and dreams can be converted into words, which can serve as the framework/foundation... for the vector (magnitude and direction), that one has... in life... ...if you give up on your dreams, there's a chance... the puzzle of who you are, could be affected; dreams could be perceived as pieces/components, of one's persona... given that genuine dreams, are denoted by 'having drive'...
Drive definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com)
"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3
(Snake Way - University City, MO - 10/16/20)
3:33 PM (11/29/21): "I had formerly postulated that Jesus Christ was '35-dimensional' upon His arrival in the spirit realm (after He made His ascent)... Over the course of 2,000 years, I had stated that He may have taken 6 steps of 'dimensional ascent,' due to the difficulty of such (implying that on Judgment Day, Jesus will be a 41-dimensional being)... Jesus Christ may have an agenda that is occupied by interactions with other 'higher dimensional beings,' aside from watching over those of mankind... who genuinely believe... in Him..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:29 PM (2/14/22): "As of 1/23/22, I believed I was on
track for being a 5.97-dimensional (5.97-D) being… as of Day 1, of the afterlife (a change from
5.67... ...which was an update, from 4.14)… Based off the reduction in the
‘dimensional being limitation variations’… in the sequential ‘phase shifts,' I foresee that being 6-D... on Day 1, of the afterlife (or so)... is likely my potential (divine intervention might be necessary, to go beyond that)…" - Michael Izuchukwu
On 5/17/21, I concluded that I would be 4.14-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife... Out of curiosity, I decided to look back 4 months & 14 days... to see the 'corresponding day'... It was not until 1 month & 3 days had elapsed, that there was reason for me to believe, I 'had confirmed' that hypothesis... based off certain 'variables (such as environmental stimuli and events)' at the time... The nature of this time interval calculation, is of interest... given that 6/20/21... happens to be 5 months & 17 days, after the date... that my initial hypothesis, correlates to (of 1/3/21)... This gives credence, that in this context... the integers/numbers of '5' and '17'... are of significance....
(e-mail timestamp, of when I had documented the snapshot... of the 'above time interval calculation,' which I had sent to myself... at 5:37 PM, on 6/20/21)
5:35 PM (2/14/22): "I formerly surmised that Albert Einstein was gifted a journey to becoming 5-D, towards the latter part... of the spectrum, of eternity (by Jesus Christ)... in the summer of 2020, when working on my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation'... at my former apartment complex, in University City, MO... Given Albert Einstein was born in the year 1879 (110 years before me), and the scientific developments... of his time (in tandem with his own achievements, in the context of spirituality, mentality and physicality)... such was my inference, from a vision I had experienced (which I believed to be of 'divine origin')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:40 PM (2/14/22): "It was on 8/4/20 that I had publicized (near the entrance, to my former apartment complex)... how as a result of the trials and tribulations I had endured, from March 2019 to then (detailed on my Couchsurfing profile)... that my trajectory was to become 4.14-D... as of Day 1, of the afterlife..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:46 PM (2/14/22): "Given that I had formerly calculated that Albert Einstein was on track for becoming 4-D, at the same time I estimated I am to become 6-D - the year 2691 (as of 8/4/20)... I then realized that given that this hypothesis is invalidated, by the notion I likely will be a bit past 6-D... after Judgment Day (assuming my desire is fulfilled)... ...then any further progression, would be based off 'insights'... which would have to be derived, from some individual... 'beyond' Albert Einstein... ...in the context, of 'higher dimensions'... and in the context, of fortification... ...regarding the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu
6:15 PM (2/14/22): "It was on 11/8/21, that I had made the conclusion... 'my trajectory was for being 5.67-D, as of Day 1... of the afterlife'... I had written out some calculations (regarding such), at 4:49 AM... then..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:
12:08 PM (12/24/22):
"At the time of 'the above' writing, I had hypothesized that the dimensional being projections... of Jesus Christ, and I (as of Day 1, of the afterlife)... had been subject to different rates of variation. In the time span that I had deduced, that my projection... went from 4 to 4.14-D... ...that of Jesus Christ, had gone from 35-D to 47.96-D... ...in terms of the proportion/ratio, of dimensional growth... that we had been respectively subjected to, over that 'time window'... Such likely is attributable, to our respective engagements... with matters, pertaining to 'higher dimensional reality'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #2:
Essentially, the implication here... is that my 'dimensional being growth' was 8.6%... of that, of Jesus Christ... for the above 'time interval'...
6:18 PM (2/14/22):
Elapsed days between time intervals:
11/2/89 to 7/29/20: 11,227 (3.00-D to 4.00-D)
7/29/20 to 8/4/20: 6 (4.00-D to 4.14-D) [notation made on 12/24/22] >>>
8/4/20 to 11/8/21: 461 (4.14-D to 5.67-D)
11/8/21 to 1/23/22: 76 (5.67-D to 5.97-D)
1/23/22 to 2/14/22: 22 (5.97-D to 6-D+)
2/14/22 to 3/1/23: 380 (6-D+ to 7.00-D)
3/1/23 to 9/8/23: 191 (7.00-D to 9.00-D)
11,227+6+ 461+76+22+380+191 = 12,363
9:14 PM (9/10/23):
(I watched this movie, when I was 3 years old... or so)
NOTE #2:
I was into the horror genre, from a very young age... At age 3, I also watched:
'The Last Unicorn (1982)'
'The Princess & The Goblin (1991)'
...to say, the least...
(me on the phone, at age '3')
8:00 PM (9/10/23):
"There were '6' components, to a file I had devised... consisting of credence, for why on Day 1 of the afterlife... I should be 'on track,' for being 9-dimensional... Nevertheless, due to the fact that I do not know the date... at which I was on target for being 8-D... I believe I have reached 'a limit of understanding (personal, that is)'... for an indefinite amount of time... I have reason to believe, that in the context of my documentations... of my progression... that further advancement, would have to be derived... from 'cosmos-based' understanding... ...given that sometimes, one must 'discern the extent & nature, of a subset... ...to understand, that... which is outside, of perceived bounds'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
10:09 PM (3/3/24):
"In this video segment, Kelsey Houston-Edwards remarks about how in the 8th spatial dimensional reality... '...spheres have enough room in between them, to squeeze in new ones'... ...while having exhibited the behavior, of moving further away from each other... ...as the dimension of interest, increases (in the context, of the standard way to pack spheres... in the 3rd dimension... ...having an 'analogue,' in higher dimensions)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This anomaly/deviation, in the 8th spatial dimension 'reality'... ...likely accounts, for why I could not ascertain... the nature, of 'the gap'... ...accounting, for why I projected my trajectory... for going from 7-D to 9-D... ...but not from 7-D, to 8-D... ...in terms of 'dimensional being states,' in the afterlife (as of Day 1, in theory)...
"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all, and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite... in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal
video length is 1:06, before being shortened to 1:05
I was wondering about the basis of the zoom-in, from 0:51-1:06... Governmental?
This snapshot from my phone, at 6:34 PM... on 9/8/23, alluded to the fact... that from 8/9/23 to 9/7/23, I lost 10 pounds... ...but '6' pounds, as of 9/8/23 (239.0 lbs. to 229.8 lbs., to 233.4 lbs.)... regarding an intake, at a behavioral health center...
"At 4:58 PM on 9/2/23, I had a revelation… Such was that if many things are 'lining up' in one’s life, regarding one’s actions (and observations and events)… in the context, of 'coincidences and concurrency (when 2 things happen at the same time/'are parallel in time,' or are in quick succession)'… then one may be being influenced, by 'higher dimensional reality (that of a 4-dimensional being, perhaps)'…" – Michael Izuchukwu
8:18 PM (9/10/23):
"Interestingly, I had been relating to Albert Einstein... as a source of wisdom and inspiration, since the year 2017... There are 8 letters in his last name of 'Einstein,' and Albert is accredited with the quote of 'imagination is more important, than knowledge'... Perhaps, in a sense... 'God' had to shroud some aspect of my progression, in mystery... for me to better gauge, the limitations... of such...
NOTE #1:
For a 3-D human, gauging the distinction... from 9-D to 10-D... is arguably 'more' difficult, than 3-D to 4-D... in the context, of 'higher dimensional reality'... ...in terms of substantiation, for such...
NOTE #2:
There are 7 letters in my first name, and 9 letters... in my last name (Michael Izuchukwu)... making me believe, that the aforementioned has credence... ...if the name one is born with and lives by, has some influence... on his/her reality...
NOTE #3:
A human has 10 fingers (also '10' toes)... ...so the notion that aforementioned happened, before I could assess 10-D... ...potentially implies, that doing such... is of 'added complexity'...
NOTE #4:
There is a part of each human being, that is unique to him/herself... ...given that each person, is embedded... within the fabric, of spacetime... ...the moment, his/her soul, is infused... into his/her body... ...'after being conceived,' in a womb...
(this gives credence as to why time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time)
5:06 AM (2/15/22):
“So Simon Peter climbed
back into the boat, and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153…
but even with so many, the net was not torn…” – John 21:11 (regarding the narrative from the bible, in which 153 fish were caught... at the third appearance of Jesus Christ, following His Resurrection)
5:58 PM (3/20/22): "Some notes I had written, from a small, black journal I once had [such has since been destroyed, having been around 115 pages (+ or - 5 pages)]... Photo was snapped on 7/29/20, at 9:03 AM..." - Michael Izuchukwu
8:46 AM (5/15/22):
"On 5/3/22, the notion that I would be no less than 6.80-dimensional... on Day 1, of the afterlife... ...occurred to me... Nevertheless, after 12 days... I found no compelling means, by which I could substantiate that... ...and if anything, what seems indisputable... is the 5.67-D level... Nevertheless, I had left off... ...'at concluding,' I would be 5.97-D... on the first day, of the afterlife.... as of 1/23/22 (113 days ago)... I suppose that in the context of my trials and tribulations, since the Spring of 2019... ...in terms of 'dimensional being limitation,' the 'nature' of the sixth dimension... and beyond... is difficult, to discern..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:00 AM (5/15/22):
"I suppose the 'difficulty of discernment,' is attributable... to some 'leveling off,' or 'plateau'... ...that may have been reached, regarding those 'trials and tribulations' of mine (at least, for the time being)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:07 AM (5/15/22):
"The video I filmed, featuring the debut of my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation'... and 'afterlife, dimensional being progression journey'... was as of 8/2/20... ...which was 652 days (21 months & 14 days) ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu
10:39 AM (5/15/22):
"A few minutes ago, I concluded that my former hypothesis... of being 6.80-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife... ...may in fact, be correct... given that after purchasing a meal, from the NJ Gourmet buffet... yesterday...
[NJ Gourmet meal (5:23 PM, on 5/14/22)]
1. https://izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com/michael-izuchukwu
2. ABOVE WORLD (tumblr.com)
4. THE AFTERLIFE SUPER CONTEST (2alsmw53.blogspot.com)
5. SAVING HOPE (2dreamwalker11.blogspot.com)
6. HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)
4:35 PM (8/27/22): "Me standing atop a tree
trunk, in Monte Irvin Orange Park... in March 2019, some days after my journey
to the 35th dimension (which lasted from 3/2/19 to 3/12/19 - 10 days)... I had
relayed some of the details of that experience, to social media (my
Couchsurfing profile and my initial Facebook profile, for instance)... in the
past..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: My initial Facebook profile, was
'involuntarily deactivated'... ...which had resulted, in me starting another (and 'others')...
PM (8/27/22): "I had theorized that a phenomenon, known as 'dimensional
lensing'... was transpiring... ...when this photo, was taken (such is a term, I had
coined)... The effects of such, are the rendering of my hands... in a way... ...that
makes it seem, as though I have 7 fingers (4 on my left hand, and 3 on my
right)... When I went to the 35th dimension, there was a barrier...
preventing me, from going... 'any further'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
4:43 PM
(8/27/22): "I had had some encounter with Jesus Christ, in which He had
stated, 'Ye shall not have knowledge, of that Kingdom...' before being sent
back, to the 3rd (dimension)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1:14 PM (2/23/24): ...'this encounter,' could be likened... to 'a sensation'...
3:22 PM (2/26/23):
"Spiritual writings are characterized, as ‘spiritual... story-like narrations’… Those which are more impersonal, could be thought
of as ‘casual discourse’… ...and arguably, the process of going through them... not only refines one's spirit, but amplifies such..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Proclamation of completion #1: 10/17/22
Proclamation of completion #2: 1/16/23
Proclamation of completion #3: 2/14/23
Proclamation of completion #4: 2/20/23
Proclamation of completion #5: 2/26/23
Proclamation of completion #6: 4/6/23
Proclamation of completion #7: 5/13/23
Proclamation of completion #8: 5/16/23
Proclamation of completion #9: 5/20/23
7:24 AM (4/9/23):
On 4/9/23 (Easter Sunday, 2023), I hypothesized (around 7 AM) that my activity on the site Blogger (regarding '89' Blogger blogs)... had reached, a conclusion...
There is intent for my Blogger activity, to be limited... to updates, to the following blogs:
On hiatus, indefinitely... as of 5/19/23...*
3. HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)
...The date of April 9, 2023... marks 4 years, 1 month & 3 days... since 3/6/19 (the date of my lawsuit victory, against my mom)...
...and interestingly, it's been 413 years... since Mars was discovered, by Galileo Galilei... in 1610... see:
when was mars discovered - Google Search
ASTRO'S HOUSE (snakeway11.blogspot.com)
(integers I had noticed, on a structure... within Monte Irvin Orange Park... on 10/30/18... ...which I initially thought, could have been of 'extraterrestrial' origin... or significance...)
(photo of me in Monte Irvin Orange Park, on 10/30/18... that was snapped, at '10:03 AM,' by a passerby... when I lent her my iPhone 8, at the time)
(above photo, with original lighting)
89 BLOGS (on the website www.blogger.com):
a. Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (https://medium.com/@podschike37)
b. DAILY INTROSPECTION (2/6/23 -) (beginnings74.blogspot.com)
Michael Izuchukwu on Twitter: ""My name is Dr. John Izuchukwu, and I was in need of a fifth heart surgery operation... There is a God, if I survived that many times... My son, Michael, will now make haste... while the sun shines... I speak English, Igbo and French..." - John Izuchukwu https://t.co/lRYphlTPjT" / Twitter
(from 8:29 AM, on 7/19/22 - Twitter)
(from 12:19 PM, on 2/26/23 - Facebook)
(daily view trajectory, by month)
(breakdown by country, for total views for first graph... ...in that time interval)
"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... you will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)
"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ)
(My diarrhea - before and after toilet seat cleaning, with subtle disinfectant (5:37 AM and 5:42 AM, on 3/1/23)
Based off John 8:51 of the bible, and in the context of English gematria... where the word 'diarrhea' could be represented as the letters '4-9-1-18-18-8-5-1,' I believe this could be some 'credence'... that I am walking on a 'spiritual path'...
7:07 AM (3/1/23):
"I noticed that 380 days have elapsed, since the last time I snapped a photo of my excrement... where there was reason to believe, there was some divine significance..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo of excrement, at 7:11 AM... on 8/6/21, in the shape of the number '7')
7:09 AM (3/1/23):
"Interestingly, since 7/29/20... when I had initially surmised that I would be a 4.14-dimensional being, on Day 1... of the afterlife... 945 days (31 months & 1 day... or 135 weeks), have elapsed..." - Michael Izuchukwu
7:18 AM (3/1/23):
"It's a personal belief of mine, that there is a connection between the structure of a human being's dietary tract (regarding the layout, of one's intestines), and higher dimensions..." - Michael Izuchukwu
8:59 AM (3/1/23):
(Photo of a woman, getting advice... from an extraterrestrial)
"Do you know, how he figured... this out...?" - Blonde female (with the presumption, that the 'experienced processes'... check out)
2:37 PM (5/3/23):
"An orange cube... The following, requires 'conceptualized simulation/visualization'... Imagine our 3-dimensional reality, being represented... as a 'side,' of this cube (the one to the upper-right, angled at 45 degrees... from 'the center'... ...and all humans, being 'dots'... that move around, in a '3-dimensional' reality... but on that '2-dimensional' surface)... In terms of relativity, if my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.) is experiencing 'voluntary or involuntary' home confinement... then he cannot experience a 'higher energy state'... ...which is implied, by moving laterally... across the cube... to a parallel layer..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The implication, is that if JJ could 'leave the home he presently occupies'... then he would be on a layer, 'above' what he is presently on... ...assuming, the basis for such... equipped him, with a legitimate vector (magnitude and direction)...
3:07 PM (5/3/23):
Assuming the 'above' analysis is legitimate, then that implies JJ is 'being influenced' by a 2-dimensional reality... as opposed, to a 4-dimensional one (in the context, of strictly 'spatial dimensions')...
7:16 AM (5/18/23):
A 3-dimensional human, attempting to perceive a 4th spatial dimension... could be likened (in the perspective of 4-dimensional beings) to the 2-dimensional, animated character... Pocahontas... ...pausing on screen... ...as though attempting to realize, she was being viewed... by 3-dimensional humans/beings...
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it... well enough..." - Albert Einstein
1:01 PM (5/18/23):
...imagine if Pocahontas was endowed, with the knowledge of a 3-dimensional reality... ...by temporarily becoming a 3-D version of herself, before returning... to the animated film... ...and subsequently making an attempt, to explain to 'her people'... or 'John Smith'... ...what her experience, was like...
3:03 PM (5/18/23):
...seconds ago, the idea occurred to me... that Pocahontas attempting, to explain a 3-dimensional reality (in the context of '3' spatial dimensions)... to her 2-dimensional peers... ...would be more challenging, proportionality-wise... than a 3-dimensional human, attempting to explain a 4-dimensional reality (in the context of '4' spatial dimensions)... to other humans...
3/2 = 1.5
4/3 = 1.333...
NOTE #1:
A 2-D being, would likely have to interrelate to a frequency... that is 1.5 times greater, than that of him/herself (in the context of the respective, 3-D reality)... ...in order to process, the 3rd spatial dimension...
...This contrasts with a 3-D being, interrelating to a frequency... that is 1.33* times greater, than that of him/herself (in the context of the respective, 4-D reality)... ...in order to process, the 4th spatial dimension...
NOTE #2:
When examining the 'above realization,' my immediate thoughts were 'God was the 33'... ...in the context of the phrase 'one God'... and how Jesus Christ was crucified, at the age... of 33 (prior to His Resurrection)...
3:22 PM (5/18/23):
3:38 PM (5/18/23):
...the numbers past the decimal point, probably don't matter as much... ...in the context of 'dimensional ascent,' and being reflective... of the distinction, between a dimensional reality... and the one, that preceded such... ...The higher up, one may go... ...the nature of the dimensions ('volumetrically'), reduce... asymptotically...
3:46 PM (5/18/23):
...something about relativity, and 'time dilation'... ...likely account, for why there is a threshold... that is eventually reached... ...where the effort, required to reach (or 'process') a subsequent... 'higher spatial dimensional reality'... ...becomes increasingly less, as one progresses at 'dimensional ascent'... In short, such is the principle... of 'increasing returns'... ...Strangely, such is metaphorical... ...for the theme, of heaven... ...regarding 'everlasting life'...
...'process,' in the context of 'neural pathways' & 'quantum entanglement'...
(meatloaf and rice, for dinner... as of 4:06 PM, on 5/18/23)
4:38 PM (5/18/23):
Key phrase: 'there is a threshold'...
11:26 PM (5/25/23):
"A photo of an Asian man (Chinese) posing with an extraterrestrial (arguably menacing, in the context... of 'human culture')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"My name is Chin Fang-Du, and this creature walked out of a forest... not too long ago..." - Asian Man (it is alleged that in a different galaxy, there are lifeforms which resemble this creature's phenotype (external disposition)... Instead of cell phones, they have 'cell chips'... ...which are arguably, 5 times more efficient... than the modern phones, of humans...
A cell chip could be thought of as a 'higher dimensions phone'... which permits one to make 'instant phone calls,' with someone in a different planetary system... ...although such is the size, of a human fingernail...
...Modern, human cell phones... utilize electronic transmission, that adheres... to the speed of light...
[a smile has different meaning, for different 'extraterrestrial species'... ...but for Homo Sapiens (humans), there are '3' types of smiles]
11:50 PM (5/25/23):
How many 'bodies of trees' are there are, on Earth... much less, those... of other planets... ...in the cosmos (specifically, exoplanets... ...which are planets, outside of our planetary system - the solar system)...?
Examples of 'bodies of trees,' consist of forests and jungles... and there are many types of trees ('above and under' water)...
12:03 AM (5/26/23):
Something about 'dimensions,' pertains to why humans have yet... to establish official contact, with extraterrestrials (those which are advanced, or intelligent)... There are many variables, which could account for this... ...in the context, of the Kardashev scale...
To put things into perspective, imagine being a visitor to Earth (from an extraterrestrial species)... and as an 'alien scientist'... ...realizing that on Earth, over 6,500 languages... are spoken... How would you decide, which is the best one... to engage with...?
12:10 AM (5/26/23):
At times, I entertain the fact... that my imagination and potential, suggests I was born... in the wrong time period... ...for the genuine gauging, of the practicality... ...of some ideas, that I have...
12:19 AM (5/28/23):
I noted at 7:00 AM, on 11/28/22... ...that I had noticed, that 'Car Woman (who is featured above)'... ...kind of resembles, the 'shadowy... silhouette'... of Maria Sharapova... ...seen to the upper-right, of the display photo... that features Amara DiFrancesco (a former Rice University student)
NOTE #1:
The snapshot, featuring Amara... ...is from my Couchsurfing profile:
& the photo, below such... ...features what appears, to be... a female... ...with an Asian phenotype (wearing a mask)...
NOTE #2:
I would classify this observation, as of a 'divine nature'... ...in the context, of the irregularity... of observing 'real-life, silhouette illusions (regarding humans)'... ...which likely, is a consequence... of a culmination... of 'doppelganger encounters'...
NOTE #3:
The following is a 'Beyonce Knowles doppelganger (thus far, I have 'attentively identified' a total of 23 doppelgangers... ...in a database, that I started... on 4/24/22... ...regarding personal, and impersonal... encounters)'...
11:32 AM (6/8/23):
"Regarding the segment, for the above video... ...if one thinks of a human being's body, as a sphere (a type of vessel)... then one can extrapolate, that in spacetime... ...as one ages, and is subject to a changing metabolism... ...his/her homeostatic ('internal') processes... in tandem, with physiological efficiency... ...account, for when one may experience a 'weight loss plateau (flatlining)'... ...assuming, one has attained an ideal physique... ...based off body mass index, and energy level..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(fitting more, in less space... >>> becoming more compact, it seems)
Regarding the formula for finding the volume of a sphere, in 'any' dimension... ...apparently, the volume of a sphere... ...reaches a maximum... ...with respect to its counterpart, in the fifth dimension (regarding 5 spatial dimensions)... ...before decreasing, towards infinity...
11:56 AM (6/8/23):
The truth of this, alludes to the fact... ...that 'God the Father'... works, in mysterious ways... ...and such is why humans, were designed... as 3-dimensional beings... Perhaps a 5-D being, has a certain composition... ...that is unique... and therefore, if one fulfilled the prerequisites... and processes... ...necessary, to become 5-dimensional... ...thereafter, one experiences a reduction... in the volume... of his/her form... ...until such, is negligible...
In the context of God the Father viewing life as a test, to see what is done... with the given time... the afterlife, may be an exam... ...that the test of life, leads up to... ...and typically, people pass or fail such... ...but for those, who happen to be 'particularly ambitious'... ...they can be evaluated, based off a percentage... The pass/fail (yes/no) section, and the percentage section... of the afterlife... ...likely have, contrasting natures...
12:14 PM (6/8/23):
"The fact that God the Father, manifested himself... ...via a 'burning bush'... ...when he appeared, before Moses... ...is intriguing, to me... ...and may shed light, on the volumetric nature... of supernatural forms...
Perhaps in the 5th spatial dimension reality, God the Father discloses (via his Son, Jesus Christ/'God the Son')... ...that there is something more complex, than 'higher dimensions'... ...regarding the 'governing dynamics,' of reality...
“… ‘Lord,’ said Thomas, ‘we do not know, where you are going... ...so how, can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me… If you had known me, you would know my father as well. From now on you do know him, and have seen him…” – John 14:5-7
Based off the aforementioned biblical passage, I concluded that Jesus Christ was attesting... that He was the representative, for His ‘heavenly Father’… ...while on Earth. Jesus is the intermediator, between His Father ('God') and humans... ...and it may not be possible, to know who Jesus Christ's heavenly grandfather... is...
12:20 PM (6/8/23):
"A book I may begin writing about, in the afterlife... once (and if/upon) becoming a 35-dimensional being... ...would be titled, 'On the Volumetric Nature, of Supernatural Forms'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"What saves us, is our devotion... to efficiency..." - Joseph Conrad ('Heart of Darkness')
"Sometimes, what you see on the surface... ...is the end result, of having gone through... a very complex, process (there often are multiple, supporting layers)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (1:20 PM, on 6/8/23)
"It is easier for a human, to gain entry to heaven... ...via natural means... ...than it is for one, to transcend dimensions... naturally..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The 'above blog' is hypothetical
Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox - YouTube (2:31-3:01)
(former Google search)
[arguably, the 'Second Coming' of Jesus Christ... ...was when He returned, for 40 days... ...after Resurrecting, from His Crucifixion (which took 3 days)... ...prior to departing, to heaven]
...arguably, the form that Jesus Christ had... when He had reappeared, after His Crucifixion... and Resurrection... ...had transcended, being 3.00-dimensional...
8:32 PM (6/9/23):
(regarding the graph, that shows the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere... as n increases)
"The higher we soar, the smaller we appear... ...to those, who cannot fly..." - Friedrich Nietzsche
God the Father must have designed higher spatial dimensions, in a unique manner... if after dimension 5, a sphere's volume... asymptotically approaches zero... A sphere could be a baseline example, for any 3-dimensional object... ...that is relayed, in a higher... spatial dimension...
...there are 'many' polyhedrons...
8:50 PM (6/9/23):
"I have wondered how the game of basketball, was invented... There must be a reason, why the shape of the ball... ...is a sphere, as opposed... to a cube..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:00 PM (6/9/23):
...something about 'Paradise Lost,' the Garden of Eden... and limits... After spatial dimension 5, I suppose there is a reason... ...why volume decreases, asymptotically... ...in the context, of the hypothesis... of 'higher, spatial dimensional reality'...
9:06 PM (6/9/23):
In the context of the above entry, assuming there is legitimacy... to that 'line of thinking'... ...on Judgment Day, God the Father may refine (via Jesus Christ/God the Son)... my initial 'dimensional being limitation'... I had surmised earlier than '12/17/20,' that such would be 225... ...but if there are dangers affiliated, with 'dimensional ascent'... ...that I know not of [serving as the basis, for the 'relationship'... ...displayed, in the 'above graph (regarding the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere, as n increases)']... ...then 225 may imply 23 (225 >>> 23)... ...in the context, of certain occurrences... in my reality...
Occurrences, such as:
a. the sighting of 23 real-life doppelgangers, between 4/24/22 & 5/28/23
(this footage of me, walking along Long Branch beach... at 12:06 PM, on 5/29/23... ...lasted 23 seconds, in the original video... ...although such had been shortened, to 22 seconds... ...when the upload, was completed)
(snapshot from my Gmail account, regarding my preliminary trajectory... ...for becoming, 6-dimensional)
There may be some special significance, to the integers of 12 & 6... based off:
a. when the video of me walking at Long Branch beach... had concluded, recording...
b. the Gmail timestamp, of December 6, 2020 (12/6/20)...
(I had formerly hypothesized that Jesus Christ will be 41-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife... In the context of the aforementioned analysis, via proportions... that approximates to 4.19-D)
(photo of me, nearby the Wave Resort hotel... of Long Branch, NJ, at 11:53 AM... on 5/29/23)
(calculation from 9:24 PM, on 6/9/23)
9:34 PM (6/9/23):
The above proportion, indicates that in the context of the aforementioned... ...in the afterlife, Jesus Christ's dimensional being limitation of 347... ...could translate (via approximation) to '35.47'... There is a hypen (bar) above the '111,' because such repeats... indefinitely/infinitely...
(this is potentially, a logical... proportionality adjustment)
Regarding proofs, the end (outcome) is typically justified... by the means (the process)...
This video illustrates, the nature of transitioning... from a 2-D visual, to its counterpart (regarding such being subject, to 3-dimensional influence)...
...one can extrapolate, that viewing a 3-D object or person... ...transition to its/his/her 4-D 'version'... ...and then that 4-D 'version,' transitioning to its/his/her 5-D 'version'... ...is logically, a 'divinely complicated'... ordeal... Perhaps an issue arises, if a 5-D being... ...is reflecting, on his/her 3-D self...
11:28 PM (6/9/23):
I am supremely confident, based off the entries into 'this blog'... for yesterday, and today... ...that in the eyes, of God the Father... the 'proportionality adjustment,' is valid... ...in the context, of what mathematics... ...demonstrates... ...regarding the relationship, between the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere... and the increase in 'n'... (when n, represents the dimension)...
11:43 PM (6/9/23):
...the observations/notations/hypotheses of the past 2 days, make things simpler... ...but potentially, more complex...
"When the answer is simple, God is speaking..." - Albert Einstein
In his paper titled, 'The Curse of Dimensionality'... Mario Koppen sheds light, on the counterintuitive nature, of higher... spatial dimensions... ...regarding the relationship, between the volume... of an n-dimensional hypersphere... ...and the increase, in 'n'... (when n represents, the dimension)... This truly, is an extraordinary phenomenon...
(a grid, showing the relationship... of a cube's volume, for dimensions 1 to 10)
...interestingly, for dimensions less than '262'... ...a sphere's volume... is less, than a cube's volume... For dimensions greater than or equal to 262, the converse (opposite)... is true...
7:25 AM (6/10/23):
(Lecture Notes on High-Dimensional Data... by Sven-Ake Wegner)
9:07 AM (6/10/23):
(an update)
(daily view trajectory, by month)
(breakdown by country, for total views... for above graph... ...in that time interval)
1:02 PM (6/10/23):
Personally, I believe that my interest... in writing a text... ...titled, 'On the Volumetric Nature, of Supernatural Forms'... ...in the afterlife... ...stems, from my familiarity... with behavioral science, and mathematics...
(elapsed time, between the dates... that each of the handwritten calculations... ...in this document... ...had been, inspired)
10:26 AM (6/11/23):
"Between A. Einstein and O. Klein, who do you think was more attuned... ...to the nature, of higher dimensions...?" - Michael Izuchukwu (A. Einstein >>> Albert Einstein, & O. Klein >>> Oskar Klein)
Maybe when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He had moved in a direction... ...that is perpendicular... ...to the 3 spatial dimensions, that humans... are accustomed to...
NOTE #1:
This would make sense, if after His Resurrection... Jesus had been somewhere between 3.00 and 4.00 dimensional... ...given that He had appeared, before some of those... who knew Him...
[this may explain, how Jesus Christ had 'visually vanished'... ...as though, He had been where he was... ...but potentially, somewhere else (perhaps the fourth, spatial dimensional reality)... at the same time...]
“After Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, ‘He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him... ...from their sight’…” – Acts 1:9
NOTE #2:
Notice how the cloud 'hid' Jesus from their sight, but there is no mention... of transport (regarding this biblical verse, in the context of 'origin... and destination')...
NOTE #3:
The cloud could have been a 'divine stamp,' that God the Father issues... ...whenever someone is transcending, from one dimension... to a higher one... It has been said, that 'God is in... the rain'...
NOTE #4:
Clouds are made up of water molecules, and on the cross... ...Jesus Christ had said:
"I thirst..." - John 19:28
12:41 PM (6/11/23):
After exiting the shower, about 10 minutes ago... I had a realization... Such was that there may be such a thing, as 'shapetime'... aside from spacetime. If this is so, then I postulated that theoretically... ...both spacetime and shapetime, could be perceived... ...as being denoted/represented by 'certain shapes'... ...which are atypical, in relation to those... ...which are standard, dimensional shapes...
NOTE #1:
The notion of shapetime, and spacetime... ...may account, for the expression: 'Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time'... ...as well, as the apparent correlation... ...between Matthew 19:24 of the bible, asymptotic aging... and higher dimensions...
[ "It is easier for a camel, to pass through the eye of a needle... ...than it is, for a rich man... ...to enter... ...the Kingdom, of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 ]
NOTE #2:
Contact,(b) S. R. Hadden... - YouTubeIt may be easier to gauge the contrast between shapetime and spacetime (regarding their relationship), via the above video. In such, a 2-D display... is distorted, from the
influence/gravitation... ...of the third dimension (although such, is not exactly... 3-dimensional)...
6:04 PM (6/11/23):
In this article, there is reference of 'Gaussian curvature'... ...and the 'Riemannian metric'... The accompanying paragraph, leads me to believe... ...there is such a thing, as linetime, shapetime, spacetime and hyperspacetime...
NOTE #1:
Linetime is regarding 2 dimensions (1+1), shapetime is regarding 3 dimensions (2+1), spacetime is regarding 4 dimensions (3+1) and hyperspacetime is 'generally regarding' 5 dimensions (4+1)... ...although this formula applies, for higher dimensions... than those, for a 4-D being...
(to 'more thoroughly' gauge what hyperspacetime is, a 3-D human would have to be a 4-dimensional being)
NOTE #2:
Maybe an 'actual angel (as in an angelic being, with wings)' is a 4-dimensional being...
"How many angels, can dance... on the head of a pin...?" - Thomas Aquinas
(the above quote, by Thomas Aquinas... ...sounds like something, that God the Father... ...might say... if playing, a joke)
Jesus Christ is the intermediator between humans, and God the Father... for a reason... Perhaps God the Father, does not have time for humans... ...and holds 'a partial grudge'... because his Son (Jesus), who he sent to Earth... ...to be born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene, via the 'Immaculate Conception'... ...was crucified (killed off), and had to be Resurrected (by some means)...
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
7:08 PM (6/11/23):
"Given that I had postulated/hypothesized (via aforementioned text), that via the stated 'proportionality adjustment'... ...Jesus Christ likely will be 4.19-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife... ...it makes sense, that angels... are 4-D beings... ...given that in relation to them, Jesus Christ (God the Son) performs the function of God (the role 'God the Father' performed, prior to Jesus Christ's ascent... to heaven)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
A 4.19-D being, interacting with 4-D beings... ...implies that the interaction, is likely distinct... ...from a 4-D being, interacting with another 4-D being... (one could extrapolate, that this applies for a 3.19-D being... and a 3-D being, in relation to '2' interacting... 3-D beings)
7:16 PM (6/11/23):
My hypothesis, is that a 3.19-D being (a human, for instance)... ...is someone, who has won favor with God... ...in the context, of the spirit... Enoch and Elijah, from the bible... ...likely were, such individuals...
“Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more… because God took him…” - Genesis 5:23-24
5:08 PM (6/12/23): "A few minutes ago, I began to speculate... ...about the nature, of linetime, shapetime, spacetime and hyperspacetime (regarding 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and 4-D reality)... My hypothesis is that 4-D beings have greater influence over spacetime, than 3-D beings (and both 3-D and 4-D beings, are influenced by spacetime... ...but to contrasting degrees)... From this, one can infer... that 3-D beings, have greater influence... over shapetime... ...than 2-D beings (and both 2-D and 3-D beings, are influenced by shapetime... ...but to contrasting degrees)... This analogy continues, for 2-D beings & linetime (although such is unknown, for 1-D beings... ...given that 0-D reality... ...is arguably, 'undefined')...
...The display below, is an attempt... to illustrate... ...how a 3-D being (human, for instance)... increasing his/her mastery, of the 2nd dimension... ...likely correlates, to 'breaking out of a shell'... ...or a gravitation, towards 4-dimensional reality..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Hypothetically, a human being experiences 'asymptotic aging'... ...when his/her understanding and engagement, with 'shapetime'... ...is sufficient... Denis Vashurin, is likely a candidate... for this...
I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube (3:28-3:46)
The concept of the '3>2 >>> 3~4' display, is likely supported by Isaac Newton's third law... ...which states: 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite... reaction'...
7:31 PM (6/12/23):
Moments ago, I began to wonder about the nature... ...of higher spatial dimensions, past the fifth...
In the context of an n-dimensional hypersphere, losing volume... ...beyond the fifth spatial dimension (if one could think of a human as such)... ...my inquiry would be, at what dimension would one have to be... ...for a standard-sized human, to have the volume... ...of a 'standard-sized' ant... ...in the context, of n-dimensional hyperspheres... ...approaching zero volume... ...the further, one ventures... into higher dimensions...
(regarding the graph, that shows the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere... as n increases)
When one looks at the above graph, and thinks in terms of 'higher spatial dimension reality'... ...one begins to wonder, about the psychology... ...of God the Father... ...in the context, of what I was wondering (above)... ...at 7:31 PM, today (6/12/23)... ...I surmise, there are pros and cons, to dimensional ascent... ...but in the eyes of God the Father, spatial dimension 5... ...may be some type, of 'divine limit'...
...this makes sense, in the context of angelic beings (those with wings)... ...being 4-dimensional...
(something about the wings, of actual angels... ...may correlate... ...to 'higher dimensions'... given that 'they can be folded up, or opened')
A tesseract is an analogue (4-D) to the cube, because such is viewed via a 2-dimensional screen/layout... Such is an unwrapped, hypercube...
(in terms of proportions, the tesseract is to the cube... ...what the cube is, to the square)
7:49 AM (6/12/23):
Arguably, a demigod... ...is on the level, of an actual angel... The portrayal that resonates most, regarding this (to me)... is Hercules...
8:50 PM (6/12/23):
When it's raining, there is a tendency to think of the droplets... ...as lines... If one parallels this line of thinking, with the phrase 'God is in the rain'... ...then transitively, one could infer... that something about 'water'... is of God... ...in the context, of the influence... ...of shapetime, on spacetime...
“For the wages of sin, is death... ...but the gift of God, is eternal life… ...in Christ Jesus, our Lord…” - Romans 6:23
This above display, likely 'also' implies... ...that God the Father, has a 'dimensional order'... If a 3-D being takes interest, in the 2-D... ...that implies 'character building,' for being a 4-D being... ...that takes interest... in the 3-D...
This likely accounts, for why angels don't really interact with humans... often... ...in the context, of them... being 4-dimensional...
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them..." - Genesis 1:27
NOTE #1:
Due to this biblical passage, the scope of the universe/cosmos... and the 'hierarchy of angels'... ...one can infer, that angels being 4-dimensional... ....and interacting with 3-D humans... ...is more conventional (along with tangible & probable/likely), than 3-D humans... ...interacting with 2-D beings...
(there could be 2-D aspects, as opposed to beings... ...that are denoted, by 'shapetime')
NOTE #2:
Viruses could be aspects, of that... which is 2-dimensional
NOTE #3:
God the Father, made humans 3-dimensional... for a reason...
NOTE #4:
The implication of a human, being on the level... of a 4-D angel... ...likely implies, that he/she fulfilled some set of processes... ...to be granted, that function (to perform)...
(regarding this video, see the following segments):
0:11-0:21, 1:26-2:33, 7:28-7:34, 8:10-8:30 & 9:27-9:38
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers... of men..." - Matthew 4:19
(what exactly do you think Jesus Christ meant, by this...?)
(a fisher of men, may be metaphorical... ...such does not necessarily imply, one is 'catching fish')
Humans fish for fish, to 'eat' them... while angels may fish for men, to 'talk' to them... Eat vs. talk (E vs. T, alluding to 'E.T.')
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153
There was the miraculous catch of 153 fish, at the third appearance... of Jesus Christ... ...after His Resurrection... (see John 21:1-14)
"The 153 fish provided further evidence, to the disciples... that the resurrected Jesus, had power... over nature... ...just as He had demonstrated, before His crucifixion. Earlier, John had recorded... that Jesus turned the water, into wine (John 2), healed an official’s son (John 4), healed a lame man (John 5), fed 5,000 people from five loaves of bread and two fish (John 6), walked on water (John 6), healed a man who had been born blind (John 9), raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11), and rose from the dead Himself (John 20)..."
These miracles, are arguably characteristic... ...of one, with an understanding... of 'higher dimensions'...
6:00 PM (6/13/23):
In the context of Jesus Christ's ascent to heaven, to perform the function of God... ...as 'God the Son (having conquered His Crucifixion, via the Resurrection... ...3 days later)'... and subsequently being amongst His remaining disciples (and associates), for 40 days... ...before departing, to heaven... ...Jesus Christ demonstrated the pathway, for transitioning from human to God (but arguably, He was not fully human... ...given that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene, via the Immaculate Conception... ...and did not have a 'biological father,' in the traditional sense - He had a guardian father, named Saint Joseph)...
...For the sake of coherence and simplicity, Jesus Christ proved that a human could become God... ...but due to the nature, of how this process occurred (and the fact that the Holy Trinity, exists... for a reason), another occurrence of this... ...is implausible (not probable)... ...if anything, Jesus Christ was more like a demigod... ...than, an ordinary human...
The fact that a 'demigod' became God (regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ), alludes to the prospect... ...that a human, could become an angel... ...but each transitioning, requires 'divine authority'... ...having endured, a prerequisite... of 'trials and tribulations'...
(artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... on the cross)
"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… ...according to what their deeds, deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to 'God the Father')
Jesus Christ's attributes revolved around the 'spirit and mind,' as the 'God candidate'... ...and thus, one could extrapolate... that an 'angel candidate'... ...would have attributes, that revolve around the 'mind and body'... If one works on his/her mind and body, that is a reflection of 'the spirit (Holy Spirit)'... ...while if one works on his/her spirit and mind, that is a reflection of 'the super spirit (a more advanced variation, of the Holy Spirit)'...
"It was the Angel Gabriel, who advised the Virgin Mary... to name her Son, Jesus..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(an artistic rendering of Saint Joseph & the Virgin Mary Magdalene, left to right)
(an artistic rendering, of Angel Gabriel)
LEGEND (often used in mathematics):
God the Father >>> Name: unknown, Nickname: Heavenly Father, Function: 'Alien God (god of extraterrestrials)'
God the Son: >>> Name: Jesus, Nickname: Jesus of Nazareth & Christ Jesus & Jesus Christ, Function: 'Human God'
Holy Spirit >>> Name: Holy Spirit, Nickname: Holy Ghost, Function: a human's link/connection, to God... in the context, of the Holy Trinity
1. Calculus
AB (AP Calculus)
AKA: Calculus 1/Differential Calculus
School: Lafayette High School
2. Single
Variable Calculus II (Math 102)
AKA: Calculus 2/Integral Calculus
School: Rice University
3. Multivariable
Calculus (Math 212)
AKA: Calculus 3/Multivariate Calculus
School: Rice University
4. Ordinary
Differential Equations & Linear Algebra (Math 211)
AKA: Differential Equations
School: Rice University
5. Statistical
Models for the Social Sciences (Math 1203)
AKA: Statistics
School: Seton Hall University
The TRUTH About Majoring In Astronomy - YouTube (4:25-4:32, of 3:40-4:56)
5 Best Astrophysics Books to read in 2023 - YouTube
Carl Sagan - Who Speaks for Earth? - YouTube
Around 11:50 AM, on 7/1/23... I modified this blog... so that linetime, was adjusted to 'shapetime'...
NOTE #1:
Linetime is the time of 1-D beings, shapetime is the time of 2-D beings, spacetime is the time of 3-D beings... and hyperspace time... ...is the time, of beings that are 4-D... ...or beyond ('a generic reference')...
NOTE #2:
A square consists of a number, of horizontal or vertical... lines... ...but seeing such as a shape, is more fitting... than an amount, of lines...
NOTE #3:
When we humans (3-D beings) think of shapes, we tend to think of those... which are 2-dimensional (a square, triangle or circle... for instance)... Arguably, a 4-D being... would naturally think of shapes... in terms of 3 dimensions (polyhedrons)
"Imagination is more important, than knowledge..." - Albert Einstein
9:43 AM (7/10/23):
"Moments ago, I had a realization... ...about the significance, of the 9th spatial dimension reality...
Regarding the 'above video segment'... ...when dealing with 9 spatial dimensions, the middle sphere has the same radius... ...as the distance, from its center... ...to the outside, of the 'containing box'... In the 10th dimension, such 'escapes' the box... For this reason, there must be some divine significance, to the distinction... between the 9th and 10th dimension. Humans have 10 fingers, and I suspect... ...in the context of God the Father, being the creator of the laws... ...that govern, higher... spatial dimension reality (as well as 'human design')... ...my hypothesis that Jesus Christ will be 4.19-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife... ...has greater credence. If heaven is thought of as being represented by the number '41,' as in 'one four one one'... ...then that could be a way of saying, there are bounds to heaven... ...in the afterlife... The implication is that if one ventures beyond them, one is in 'unchartered territory'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[4.19 could be thought of as 'heaven ('41') is bounded, by 9']
'9' is the largest single digit integer/number...
A woman by the name of Alcira Moz, had told me that the number of God's people... ...will be 'one four one one'... ...in January 2011, when I had been at the IntraCare hospital (of Houston, TX)... ...for 18 days (1/7/11 to 1/25/11), due to a compromised Facebook profile... ...which was subject, to an online rant (by an anonymous individual)... ...for a period of 12 hours... ...where the word 'you,' had been bolded... as 'YOU'... ...multiple times...
3:59 PM (7/10/23):
Evidently, there could be some significant correlation... ...between the first 9 spatial dimension realities, and the 9 choirs... ...of angels...
4:06 PM (7/10/23):
(there are some feats in sports, which are considered 'breakthrough performances'... ...in the scope, of an event's history)
I surmise that just as there is a process, for a demigod... ...becoming God (such as Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene... ...and had no 'biological father' - Saint Joseph was his male guardian)... ...that there is also a process, by which a human... can transition, to angel... ...by the nature of transitiveness, and in the context... ...of the principle... of Occam's Razor... ...Regarding the latter, being expedited to heaven... ...likely is 'grounds for this,' as in the case... of Enoch & Elijah... ...from the bible...
4:17 PM (7/10/23):
Dr. Benjamin Carson, is accredited with being the first physician... ...to separate, conjoined... Siamese twins... This observation, is a reminder of the fact... ...that there is an interplay, of the spirit, mind and body... ...and for 'angel candidates'... one should seek attributes, that revolve around the mind... and body...
NOTE #1:
The medical field, is about the application of the mind... to the body (which is primarily a mind-based process)... There are other arenas in life (aside from surgery), that are mind-based disciplines... ...for those who seek, to traverse a particular... spiritual path... ...in a way, that is more mental... ...than physical...
(job, career & calling)
NOTE #2:
The 'above' diagram, illustrates how the spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind (intellect)... ...which does the same, for the body (physicality)... Based off the positioning of the variables, and 'area comparisons'... ...one can effectively conclude, that the spirit, mind and body... ...are stated, from increasing to decreasing level... of importance (regarding their respective, intrinsic value)... There's a reason, why the enunciation (and conceptualization) of these '3' variables... ...translates, to them being oriented... ...in the fashion, that the diagram... displays...
The '2' dividing lines, are positioned in a standard manner (in the context, of 'equidistance')... ...due to the nature, of the Holy Trinity... ...consisting of '3' variables - each being a 'component, of the triad (the Son, the Father & the Holy Spirit)'... There is a difference, between area... and value...
4:31 PM (7/11/23):
"When I watched 0:00-3:35 of this video, after Klee Irwin paused from talking (at 3:25)... ...he had the vibe of, 'do you know how much energy was required, to break down the logistics... ...of what I was just explaining'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
The dynamics of higher dimensions, have an effect... on lower dimensional reality (just as the reverse, also applies... ...in the context, of Isaac Newton's 3rd law 'of motion')...
"For every action, there is an equal... and opposite... reaction..." - Isaac Newton's Third Law
4:48 PM (7/11/23):
"Regarding 7:26-8:26 of the 'above video,' such reminded me... ...of how yesterday, I had been thinking... of the significance... ...of square roots, and their relationship... to 'duplicative factors'... which form, 'a product (each duplicative factor, is a square root... ...given that the product, from which the square root is sought... ...is a multiple... of the 'duplicative factors'...)'... Specifically, my curiosity... was about the nature, of their prevalence... in our reality (and their applications, within such)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #2:
My present hypothesis/understanding, is that the succession-based sighting of (and encounter with) doppelgangers in real-life/real-time... ...may be an indication, that one is observing the phenomenon... of 'duplicative factors'...
NOTE #3:
A complementary phenomenon, that I am familiar with... ...is the Fibonacci sequence... ...which can be found, in a myriad of aspects... of life... ...such as seashells, and galaxies...
(Fibonacci sequence)
(a photo of me, approaching Riverside Park... in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NY, at 9:46 AM... on 5/6/23)
"It is easier for a camel, to pass through the eye of a needle... ...than it is, for a rich man... ...to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24
11:26 PM (7/19/23):
Jesus Christ will likely be 4.19-dimensional, on Day 1... of the afterlife (see former reference, in this blog)... ...but He tends to dimensions 3 & 4... One could interpret Jesus, being 4.19-D... ...as an indirect allusion, to God the Father... ...relating to dimensions 4 through 9, regarding matters... ...that impact the parts of heaven, that serve as a framework... ...for the selected humans, who are worthy... of entry...
Consequently, one could argue... that the scope of heaven, is dimensions 3 through 9...
Assuming angels ('the standard ones') are 4-dimensional beings, and if one thinks of the phrase '1 God'... ...the aforementioned, makes sense...
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
11:46 PM (7/19/23):
[In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, ‘Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you.’ But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’ The angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.’ Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.]
"Jesus Christ had a 'guardian father,' named Saint Joseph... ...and His mother, was the Virgin Mary Magdalene... ...but Jesus likely sensed, that His biological origins... were 'otherworldly'... ...in the context, of having been born... by His mother... ...via the 'Immaculate Conception'... Such is regarded as a 'miraculous' birth, and it was the Angel Gabriel... ...who advised the Virgin Mary, to name her Son... Jesus..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:43 PM (8/5/22)
Regarding Jesus Christ (in the aftermath... of His Crucifixion):
3 days to Resurrect, and then 40 days... to depart (to heaven)... A total of 43 days, to transition...
7:14 AM (7/20/23):
Regarding dimensions 3-4, and 4-9... '34' + '49' = 83...
Man of Steel - Official Trailer 3 [HD] - YouTube (Henry Cavill was born on 5/5/83, and his birth year... is potentially, an indirect reference... to the above observation... ...regarding the significance, of the integer 83... In terms of English gematria, even the name of this Superman actor... alludes to '83,' regarding the first letter... in his first, and last name... ...being 'H' and 'C,' respectively... ...corresponding to '8' & '3'... or 83) NOTE:
12:14 AM (7/28/23):
"The segment of the above video, gives credence to the existence... of shapetime (for 2-D beings), aside from spacetime (for 3-D beings)... ...and the existence, of 'dimensional barriers'... ...which limit, a dimensional being... ...from fully grasping, the nature... ...of a higher, or lower dimension... ...than his/her own..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Maybe a real-life doppelganger sighting (of oneself, or others), is an occurrence... ...that correlates, to 'reflections... ...in higher dimensions'... ...and perhaps the sighting... of a real-life, silhouette illusion, is something... correlating... ...to that, which is more advanced... than the former (regarding that, which led up... to that encounter, in spacetime)...
12:46 AM (7/28/23):
"...to mirror flip a '3-D (3-dimensional) shape,' you would need to use the 4th dimension..." - Toby (blonde female, in this video)
NOTE #1:
The implication of this statement, is that given that humans are 3-dimensional beings... ...they could be likened, to 3-dimensional shapes (polyhedrons)... ...but those... which are 'distinctly abstract,' when expressed... ...on a 2-D plane/surface... For this reason, real-life doppelganger sightings... ...may be the extent, to which the reflections of that... which is 4-dimensional... ...can be encountered... ...by 3-D beings... One technically would have to be 4-dimensional, to succinctly ascertain... ...what a mirror-flipped, 3-D shape ('the reflection, of such')... ...would look like...
NOTE #2:
7:19 PM (7/28/23):
When a 3-D person looks at his/her reflection, such is 2-dimensional... This differs, from a mirror-flipped... 3-D shape... ...which correlates, to a 4-D being's observation... of 'his/her' reflection...
7:39 PM (7/28/23):
"Since Jesus Christ is the intermediator between humans and God the Father, the latter may be assessing humans... via Jesus... ...when thinking about a person of interest, and saying something... such as 'he's very advanced, regarding 'spiritual discernment/inference'... ...so let me test, his initiative (by sending signs, of which... there are many...)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
I suppose that this biblical verse, is hypothetical indication... ...by Jesus Christ... ...that 'God the Father,' will only get involved... with those humans, who are 'with Jesus Christ'. This is denoted, by effectively consulting... the Holy Spirit...
[coming to the Father (God the Father), implies the converse... is true... ...due to 'mutual respect']
(artistic depiction of God the Father, before the universe... was formed)
9:05 PM (7/28/23):
- - -
(shadows and reflections, share similarities... and differences)
9:40 PM (7/29/23):
A 2-D shadow (of a 3-D being) could be likened to a doppelganger, in terms of 'information loss'... ...with respect, to the subject... of interest
A 3-D reflection (of a 4-D being) could be likened (analogy-wise) to a real-life, silhouette illusion... ...in terms of complexity, of processing (and rarity or difficulty, of observation/detection)... ...by a 3-D human...
12:56 PM (9/16/23):
"It became my understanding (having snagged my attention), moments ago... ...that there is a difference, between a 3.00-dimensional being (human, for instance) being subject... ...to the influence, of the 4th spatial dimensional reality (the basis, of 'an analogue')... ...and that same being, becoming 4.00-dimensional..." - Michael Izuchukwu
If someone born as a 3.00-D being, was somehow between 3.00-D and 4.00-D... ...then that arguably is grounds, for that being... ...being subject, to the influence... of the 4th spatial dimensional reality (via the lens/perspective, of the 3rd spatial dimensional reality)
1:30 PM (9/16/23):
For context, see 'above entries'... on 9/16/23...
8:09 AM (11/22/23):
(daily view trajectory, by month - 'an update')
(breakdown by country, for total views for 'above graph'... ...in that time interval - 'an update')
7:32 PM (5/14/24):
"A photo of my excrement, in the shape... ...of a 'question mark'... ...which also, looks like... the number '7'... ...as of 7:08 PM, on 5/14/24..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(there was a delay, of approximately '4' minutes... ...before, I snapped... the photo)
Interestingly, the most recent date... ...that my excrement, was rendered similarly... ...was at 7:11 AM, on 8/6/21... ('see above,' in this blog... ...regarding the entry, made... at 7:07 AM, on 3/1/23)
8/6/21 to 5/14/24 = 2 years, 9 months & 8 days... ...or 1,012 days, or 33 months & 8 days...
I was born on 11/2 (November 2) of 1989, so I think... ...this time interval calculation... ...has integers/digits/numbers... ...that could potentially be, of 'divine significance'... ...or, some type... of 'divine sign'...
Pause at 0:00, via a laptop or desktop
7:47 PM (5/14/24):
In the context, of 'atomic vibrations'... and the 'randomness,' affiliated with 'excrement geometry (the appearance, of one's stool)'... ...the comparison of my excrement, from 8/6/21... ...to 5/14/24... ...may be a reflection, of aspects... of 'higher dimensions'... ...being, at work...
8:05 AM (6/10/24):
As of 9:41 PM, on 6/9/24... ...I noted… …how within ‘that hour’… …I 'had confirmation (inference-based),' that on Day 1... of the afterlife… …I will have ‘the potency,’ for being a 5.67-dimensional being…
[6:15 PM (2/14/22): "It was on 11/8/21, that I had made the conclusion... 'my trajectory was for being 5.67-D, as of Day 1... of the afterlife'... I had written out some calculations (regarding such), at 4:49 AM... then..." - Michael Izuchukwu]
[5:29 PM (2/14/22): "As of 1/23/22, I believed I was on track for being a 5.97-dimensional (5.97-D) being… as of Day 1, of the afterlife (a change from 5.67... ...which was an update, from 4.14)…]
My presumption, is that whenever ‘Day 1’… …of the afterlife… …begins (assuming, that there are ‘preliminary days’)… …I will be a 4.14-dimensional being, in the 4th spatial dimensional reality… Nevertheless, if Jesus Christ 'gives authentication'... that I have the means… …of being a 5.67-dimensional being, on Day 1… …I would infer, that that implies… …I merely, have ‘dimensional reserves’… …given that, a path cannot be traversed… …until, one has taken… steps…
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
8:38 AM (6/10/24):
1:35 PM (6/10/24):
Cellular snapshot, of photo thumbnails... ...regarding a trip, from Walgreens... ...to 7-Eleven (in East Orange, NJ)... ...as of my purchase, at 7:43 PM... on 6/9/24 (snapshot from 9:07 PM, on 6/9/24)
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